One of my crazy nights: a couple weeks ago BA had a Night of the Museums where all the awesome art and history museums reopened from 10-3am. So obviously we pregamed it. Mindee's parents were here so we were planning to pregame at their hotel room. Christina and I got a large pizza to go in Recoleta and headed to the Retiro area of town by bus. We got a text on the way from Jessie saying that the hotel yelled at them for having more than 2 people in the hotel room so we'd meet at Temple Bar Retiro... we have a full pizza! We can't just bring that in a bar!
So we went to the bar, the girls weren't there. With full pizza still in hand, Christina and I went to the hotel to try to casually walk by the man at the front desk... Didn't work. He as actually kind of a jerk saying that he already told our friends that they can't have that many people in the room. So we said we'd just wait in the lobby and use the hotel's phone to call up to tell them we're here.
We started eating the pizza and after we both finished a slice the front desk guy said we couldn't eat there either... Thanks dude. So I asked him if we had to eat on the street and he just shrugged... Jerk.
So we were eating our pizza on the street outside of the hotel (right outside their huge glass doors where they could see us) when or friends came down with drinks for us. Picture in your mind this image: 5 girls on the streets of BA taking shots of gin, rum, and Vodka from plastic water bottles and chasing with a two liter coke... While eating a while pizza... the classiest.
Then we got pretty drunk and took a cab to an awesome Latin American art museum called el MALBA.... Still taking shots from my flask in line. A few other friends met us with their super crazy hot Argentine boyfriends (lolz). Walking through the museum drunk was awesome because it was all really modern and trippy art.
Then some of us took a cab to a bar called Chupitos in Palermo SoHo where they have over 100 different kinds of shots from mild to on fire. When we got there, there was a line so I thought I'd go up to the bouncer and handle it. I went up to the bouncer explaining to him in drunk Spanish that the more the merrier and he should let everyone in. He asked me if I was alone and drunk Shelly thought I'd be a good idea to say yes so he let me in... I looked around the bar and knew no one! So... Time to make friends.
An hour later when my friends got in (apparently one of the boyfriends, Alejandro, went all around the block looking for me but they figured I just went inside) I already had a bunch of free shots in and was surrounded by 6 people all taking to me in Spanish with my back against the wall. One of the shots was called Harry Potter and it was on fire with sparks! I kissed anyone and everyone on the cheek and invited them to a boliche (club) called Terrazas.
Terrazas is the best club I've ever been to. It has so many different rooms with different types of music from house music (outside on the terrace on the river) to Latin music. The second we walked in, a guy pulled me aside and started talking to me... I just wanted to go dance with my friends so I politely said no, turned around, and Chloe, Ale, and everyone else were gone!!! It was fine, though, because I just wandered from room to room and danced all night. I also met some awesome Mexican girls who found me alone and said they'd dance with me until I found my friends. They were so amazing and their English was amazing! One of the girls lived in Miami and at least 5 times throughout the night raised her hand to hold mine so we could shout the pledge of allegiance together. Ok. That's cool.
We were out on the terrace where they were playing house music when all of a sudden Jessie and my eyes met.... We were both so happy!!! She actually started crying she was so happy to see me. We were just high on life. So happy to just dance and be together. Other IES people were there too which was fun!!
I lost my friends again... found my Mexican girl friends and went to the Latino music room. Uhhh I LOVE dancing to latin music. I'm gonna miss that part so much when I got to bars in the States :(
Jessie found me in the Latino room and said they were going to leave soon, I looked at my watch.. 6:30 AM??? Where did the time go???? Best night ever.
The next morning my abdomen and legs were so sore from dancing. It was the best night out of my life. It's pretty hard, though, the next morning when you go to a boliche until 8am... which is what usually happens when you go to boliches. The time just doesn't even exist when you're in a good one. Being with your friends dancing (especially with Jessie) is the most fun things EVER.
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