Wednesday, September 11, 2013

La Boca Loca

Started off the day heading to Uplifted! I started on a blog post for one of our clients, Fligoo, about the traditional wedding anniversary gifts each year. You can log into Fligoo through Facebook and it'll give you ideas on what to give your friends for gifts depending on their Facebook activity. So I went on the Fligoo website and found possible gifts for 1st anniversary, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th etc.

Lance was just coming back from a weekend trip in Cordoba and got in the office a little late. But guess what he brought us??? FACTURAS!!! (Pastries for my Americans).

We set up in the front office and it's so much better! We have french, full-window doors that opens up to a balcony overlooking Ave. Cordoba. It's so nice and sunny, but a bit noisy when the doors are open.

Dante, Nora's dog, was also in the office today! He always brightens our day! He mainly hung out on the balcony all day.

For my Visual Arts of the City class that day we were supposed to go to an art museum in La Boca... which is almost completely slums except for 3 small blocks and some of the main road which are tourist attractions with the colorful buildings.

I did NOT feel safe traveling there alone and our professor never even mentioned anything about it--it was just in our syllabus. So I made a bus plan and headed to IES early to meet Sam and Sheridan to take the bus over. When I got there, however, the girls said our professor just emailed us saying that we were renting a bus and to meet downstairs at 3... thanks for warning us.

The museum had different exibits. One was about the obelisk and another was about the rich vs. poor urban life. It was pretty interesting. What would have been more interesting, though, is grabbing a cup of coffee at the museum's cafe and looking through their library. We didn't have enough time for that though.

We got back around 5 and I had class at 6 so Sheridan and I went to El Ateneo to buy a couple books to practice our Spanish. We walked in and said we each wanted a book that was pretty easy to read, light, and maybe funny. The guy immediately took out two books and gave them to us- good enough for us!

After a few more minutes of looking around we went to pay for the books. It was more than I thought! Mine was over AR$100 and I didn't have the money on me, neither did Sheridan. So on the way back to IES we each got an ice cream cone instead. I got dulce de leche y chocolate, Sheridan got vanilla and coffee.

The internship seminar at 6 was just as pointless as ever- but I researched some used book stores around here that I want to visit! That's productive I guess!

Until next time chicos!

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