It was Lance's last day too :/ He's the other intern (full time) from Iowa who came in June to work for Uplifted. We went out to La Fabrica del Taco in Palermo and it was DELICIOUS!! I got a vegetarian taco (check out my blog about me possibly becoming part-vegetarian when I go back to the states) and this thing called a Volcan which was a flat hard taco shell with strips of beef with cheese and this guac sauce--- uhhh so good!!!
The tab was going to Uplifted's founder, Withers, so I even got a Coca :) It was delicious and so much fun to chill out with my coworkers!
We were so stuffed but got back to blog writing and such anyway!
Lance went out to get AR$2 bills for easy souvenirs and when he came back he had a huge thing of ice cream for the marketing team!!! He just walked in saying, "I'm here to take care of my ladies!" <--yes he is!
It was really sad when he eventually left the office :/ And it gave me a super weird feeling. I only have about 70 days here left... 70!!!!!! That's nothing if you think about it--especially with all the things I want to do!
But another part of me felt a bit envious of him. It honestly made me a little homesick thinking that he was able to go home and I wasn't. Definitely a bittersweet feeling for me. I'm so comfortable and happy in this city but I also miss my family and friends in the states so much. I really don't think I could live abroad for years at a time like my other co-workers. I would have too much to lose in the states.
Chloe messaged me on Facebook saying she wanted to do some shopping and since there were outlets in Palermo (technically Villa Crespo since it's on the non-Santa Fe side of Cordoba) I had her meet me near my internship. The outlets are about 4 or 5 blocks down Serrano from Cordoba... I'd barely call them outlets though. Everything was still expensive!!
I'm probably not going to buy many clothes here. They're expensive and not the best. I did, though, find these super retro pants which I was so close to buying!! They were about $40 but soo cool! Like nothing I have in my closet! But I unfortunately didn't have enough money on me :/ Oh well-- that saved me $40.
I'm currently listening to the Chillin section of and I'm totally feeling it. Check it out! This is the station I'm listening to right now!
OK chicos, I need to begin on my Visual Arts of BA mid term--kill me.
Nos vamos!
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