Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weekend in and around Buenos Aires

It's Mommom's last few days in Buenos Aires so we had to make it special! My week was just so busy with work and school that I barely had time for her. This weekend made up for it though.

Friday I had work and a makeup class until 6, traveled to the other side of the city to the apartment, and started drinking wine. It was great!! Sheridan, Sam, Mindee and probably some other girls came over for a pasta and salad dinner and wine.

Having this apartment is actually so nice. We can have people over at our homestays but it's very, very rare. And we usually only have people stop by briefly. But this apartment is in the center of Palermo SoHo, the coolest, hippest part of Buenos Aires with tons of bars and restaurants. We can have people over whenever we want. We don't have to spend a fortune on a bar to hang out. And if we don't feel like going out, we don't have to and we can still hang at the apartment. Whenever I'm too tired to go out, it means a night alone for me. But I didn't go to any bars late this weekend but I was still always surrounded by friends in the apartment drinking wine and watching movies.

Basically, I wish I had this apartment for the rest of my stay here. It'd be pretty sick.

However, Mommom is leaving tomorrow evening, and I'm gonna have to go back to my homestay... I guess I'm a bit bitter about it. My host mom is cool and is a great cook but it sucks being alone all the time at home. It was so nice to be able to invite people over without feeling scowled.

Sorry, back to my awesome weekend.

The girls went out Friday night after our dinner, wine and Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights sesh. I was exhausted from the week so I just went to bed.

Saturday we got up, had an awesome breakfast of scrambled eggs with rice, yogurt and granola, toast and tea. Then we found out there was going to be a big club rugby playoff match between Hindu and Sic in San Isidro... I've always wanted to go to a rugby game!!!

So we got ready and met Sam, Sheridan, Chloe, Jessie, Jenna and Juan P at the Retiro train station to take the train into the suburb of San Isidro.

The trains are weird here because you don't actually pay for them. I didn't even see a place to pay for the train! You just get on and off at your stop... I don't mind free transportation.

We walked a few blocks... Mommom practically crawled half of the way but not to worry, we got there.

The game cost AR$60 and it was awesome!! It was such a good match and I got to finally learn about the sport.

Poor Sheridan was a little sleepy.

Mommom and I!

Sheridan, Sam, Juan P and I watching the game!

Oh yeah, and a guy ripped his shorts and had to change 'em. Not complaining. I had fun taking pictures objectifying  men. Sorry not sorry.

There were some crazy fans there too!

That night we had another wine and girls night-- having our own apartment in Palermo SoHo, the collest part of BA, really had its perks. We walked around a few blocks until we found a restaurant we liked.

We found one and all sat down and automatically ordered 3 bottles of the house wine. All of a sudden, I looked up at the TV and it looked like the stadium we went to that day for rugby and the jerseys were also similar. All of a sudden, Jessie's face popped up on the TV!! We were all on TV and we didn't even know we were filmed!!

We also pretended it was Mommom's birthday so our mozo brought her a huge piece of tiramisu- like cake to share with us and we each got a glass of champagne! Great night with the ladies!

We went back to the apartment got into our jammies and had a sleepover. Sheridan and Sam with me in the bed, Mindee on the couch with Mommom and Carla on the floor with some cushions... lo siento, chica. Christina went out with hombre.

Sunday was a day for Buenos Aires Ciudad. We all got up and went to Magdalena's Party for the best brunch in Buenos Aires. We had omlettes and breakfast burritos with Mimosas and Bloody Marys! We sat outside on the patio and had a great time.

After a great, filling brunch, we were about to head out the door to take a taxi to the San Telmo fair (a market I haven't gotten to yet) when who other than Christina rang our intercom!! She told us she was going to come to brunch with us but we haven't heard from her since last night when she went to see hombre. 

And alas, when I went out to the balcony and called her name, she responded... wearing the same clothes as last night-- that's my girl!

So since we had 5 people and the taxi could only fit 4, Sam, Sheridan and Christina took the bus and said they'd meet us at the Starbucks there.

Now unfortunately I was too nervous to bring my smartphone out to a neighborhood I wasn't familiar so I have no pictures to show you. But honestly, Recoleta fair is better. The San Telmo fair had a lot of antique goods which were cool to look at, but I really wouldn't want to buy. 

It was a beautiful area but Mommom got tired quickly and I really wanted to show her Recoleta since it was her last day so we headed out. 

The taxi driver headed down Av. Libertador and dropped us right off at the fair. On the way we passed Casa Rosada (where Cristina, the president, works) and a few other big BA hot spots. 

Mommom LOVED the Recoleta fair. She was throwing pesos to the merchants like it was Monopoly money (which in reality, it basically is).

She got a really beautiful white blouse, a handmade South America map puzzle for Monkey (my cousin, her other grandaughter), a boomerang for Jay (her son, my uncle) to play with Monkey and a leather flower hair band for her friend. 

It was already after 6pm and we had to get home to pack our things. 

Mommom packed her things and luckily had a lot of extra room that I could send some of my gifts home with her. I got really excited the next day when she sent me an email while I was in class saying she got her suitcase closed-- SCORE!!

Christina came over to get her stuff and I was going to go back on the bus to Recoleta with her since we live so close to drop off my clothes and stuff. We were about to eat and ended up having a lot of extra food so she stayed for dinner. We even popped open one of the wine bottles that we got at the awesome bodega (winery) from Mendoza.

Sam stopped by a bit later to get her things but obviously had to have a glass of wine; that basically turned into a rule: if you step into the Young/Maxwell apartment, grab yourself a wine glass and start pouring... and fill up everyone else's glasses as well.

Sam left and I got the last of my things together. About 20 minutes later when we were about to head out for the bus to Recoleta, I got a message from Sam saying to be careful tonight because she almost got violently mugged four women on her way home... one was pregnant!

More on that on another post.

So Christina and I were really freaked out so decided to take a cab. Sam is fine, it was just a really scary experience for her.

Update: Mommom's flight landed saftely in Philadelphia and she's home safe and sound :)

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