Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Day at Uplifted

Today was the first day of my internship (pasantia)!!

It was awesome, Alex (the other girl from IES that got the internship) and I got there around the same time. It was Nora, Katie, Lance and us at the "marketing room" table. We were going though the clients to learn more about them.

There's one I'm really interested in called Hear Congo. It's a nonprofit for women and children living in DRCongo. It was started by a woman in Miami who is Congolese and escaped the Congo after her family was killed.

The nonprofit helps with genital reconstruction surgery and education for women and children.

Alex and I write some Facebook and Twitter posts, picked out some pictures for the blog, and a couple other things. It was definitely an easy day.

It was great cause everyone there is so chill.They ordered food while I had my rice cake/peanut butter/jam/banana lunch. Lance went out and got us all chocolates as well! Overall I enjoyed it.

Unfortunately since we had no class Monday we had to reschedule my Monday evening class for Friday... boo!! So I had my Drugs and Violence class at 4:30 (left Uplifted at around 3:30).

After class I walked home with Valerie and had yummy ravioli for dinner. Mama also gave me this dessert called Membrillo. It's a fruit that I've never heard of before that they use a lot for desserts. It was basically a block of that and cheese. It was pretty good!

The gals and I met at Santa Fe and Uruguay to go to an Americanized bar called Alamo. First we got coffee at McDonalds- good choice.

We had to pay $50 pesos to get into Alamo but we got two free drinks when we went in.I had two screwdrivers.

It was pretty fun but it was SO CROWDED!

And Sheridan turned 21 at midnight!! Woo! Shout out to her!

And Ana (the German girl we met in the hostels in Colonia and Montevideo) came out with us which was fun!

Yup that's about all I have to say about that. Going out to dinner for Sheridan's birthday now. Dinner at 10pm... how portena of us.


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